Wednesday, March 26, 2008

September 16th, 2005: Sacramento at Connecticut, WNBA Finals

Connecticut Sun 77, Sacramento Monarchs 70

ROAD TRIP! The Game Notes learn not to count their chickens before Brooke Wyckoff sets, Kara Lawson is in hostile territory, and referees suck.

Have I ever mentioned that my mom is crazy and will, on the spur of the moment, plan an excursion?

No matter what nicknames y'all want to pin on Mr. Enterline, he should be drawn and quartered, and those other two with him, after that pathetic excuse for refereeing last night. The first half was especially appalling in the number of unevenly made calls. Of course, the importance of the two out-of-bounds plays in the second half (the Taj shot and the deflection off Katie's sock) almost counterbalances the quantity from the first. I'd swear that Chelsea Newton spent more time horizontal than vertical on the floor, and not by her own volition (and the one time the call went in her favor was one of the two screw-ups that went in Sacto's favor, go figure!)

On the other hand... Whiz: WTF did Ticha play so much near the end of the game when she wasn't doing squat, and Chelsea and K-Law were being so much more effective?

Damn scoreboard stopped acknowledging DeMya's existence sometime in the second half. Very bizarre.

AJ's butt is a weapon of mass destruction.

I don't want to talk about the people I was sitting around, because they only strengthened the bad impression I get of Sun fans every time I go to the casino for a game as an opposing fan, and there are a couple of Sun fans on this board that I like and don't want to paint with the same brush.

I third Admiral and dts's previous statements about Erin Buescher and her sister. Seriously. "...and I shall call [her] Mini-Me."

Folks sighted: Lady Grooms and adorable child (and presumably Mr. Grooms); Ruthie Bolton, with lovely long hair; Temeka Johnson; DeLisha Milton-Jones, and I think the gentleman sitting next to Miz Johnson was Mr. Jones (why Temeka was sitting between them, the world may never know).

Pictures I would have taken had I a camera: Mama Lawson chatting with Lady Grooms, as two generations of Sacramento motherhood; Ticha and Margo wandering around Restaurant Row, kicking it '98 draft style; Tante Maiga in the company of a small, adorable blonde girl, study in contrasts much?.

K-Law was in *quite* the mood after the game; didn't stop for signing, and I had to keep up like a defender on a fast break to make sure I got my sharpie back. I can understand where she was coming from, though, considering the reception she gets in Connecticut, and considering the game. The Sun fans who referred to her as nasty and as evil after the game can kindly get in line and bite me- do you *really* think she's gonna be sweetness and light to folks in Connecticut gear after all that?

Player family posses amuse me; everyone's in gear, making it easy to figure out who 'tis. Powell looked like she had an entire entourage.

Baby Yo even has Mama Yo's hair now. If they aren't careful, we're going to have the basketball remix of All About Eve.

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