Wednesday, March 26, 2008

June 13th, 2006: Indiana at New York

Indiana Fever 80, New York Liberty 78

Signs, signs, everywhere signs, both of disaster and of Loree Moore.

That was a frustrating game, but the signs were there. Oh, the signs were there. The video screens malfunctioning? Definitely an omen of malfunctions to come. The constant dual piping of music through the sound speakers? Sure sounds like the Liberty were playing two different songs. Playing "Celebration" in the middle of a game? Oh, that's hubris right there. The early lead again? Déjà vu all over again, you know?

Small crowd. What, did everyone want to watch the Finals?

It was an Enterline game. You know it's a bad sign when you can recognize a referee from the third deck, with his back turned, with his jacket on. He overruled some calls from Barb Smith that he oughtn't. I won't blame him for the game, though.

Spoon sighting, parked behind the Fever bench. Way to show who you're loyal to, Teresa.

Cute kids singing the anthem. Very nice. Drums of Thunder at the half, and they're very cool.

I have never seen a team so at ease in an opponent's arena as the Fever. Yes, I know they have three former Liberty players, but still. And Whitmore did not come out for the shootaround. Let's see if I can set the scene… Fro and K.B. were holding court in the far corner, right over by the Liberty bench. Tully was working the front row behind the Fever bench. And Charlotte Smith was parked in Alison-from-the-commercial's seat, just behind the Liberty bench, right on the aisle. I was half-hoping Ali would show up and boot her, but she got up and started taking shots before Ali arrived. It was great. The Fever, in that sense, remind me of the oooooold Sting or the Rockers- very personable team, very fan-friendly; presumably, if someone doesn't feel like being fan-friendly, they don't come out for shootaround.

The only note I took tonight was "6:23 1st- it's a game". Because as anyone who hangs out with Stormfans knows, it's not a game until Tully hits the floor. Of course, she hit the floor at that point because Whitmore came barreling into her like a ton of navy-blue bricks. She and Catch were incredible on defense, hassling Becky against the baseline, because everyone ought to know by now that Becky loves the baseline, and trapping her there is brilliant. Tully also got fouled on a three-ball, which was stupid, but she only hit two of three, if I recall correctly. Catch was unstoppable when Shameka was on her, surprisingly contained for the few possessions Loree had her. She's very physical, and I think she's gotten more reckless because she can get away with more. DeForge was a non-entity. Whitmore played pissed (or like she was trying too hard to impress someone), went up strong but wasn't good at finishing. Hoffman cleared space well, but I don't think she made a statistical impact. Tan White had a play that I’m sure touched off the creation of "Tan White!" threads, and she seemed solid, but the sea anemones that have taken up residence in her dreads have *got* to go. Atkinson was a defensive substitution, but I can't recall any plays she was a major factor in. Charlotte Smith hit a couple of big shots at the end of the shot clock, but then, why should any of us be surprised at Charlotte Smith hitting big shots as time expires? Alas, no Fro or K.B. I despaired.

I never thought I'd see the day when the Liberty player who most impressed me on the floor was Loree Moore. 8 assists and 8 rebounds- you *go*, girl! I think bibb was right about having to play through her mistakes; without the threat of the hook, she's learning and playing. Joy! She was so clutch in the last minute of regulation, both on the offensive end and the defensive end- I couldn't believe how she covered Catch. Becky hit big shots, which is good, since that's what she's hired for, but I'm worried that more teams will try to take advantage of her propensity for the baseline. Also, fouling a three-point jump shooter is not cool. Schuey came out in the first quarter like she had something to prove… and by the fourth quarter we were wondering if she had been replaced by a holographic projection, and for the love of Goddess, would she please quit it with the threes? Barb started hitting shots, but I'm still not pleased with her defense. Bad Girl, my ass. Sherill looked lost tonight, which put more pressure on Loree and Becky. She knows how to get her points, but I think her passes getting picked off has forced her to look more for her own shot, and that's not good if we want to use her as a PG at some point. I love Ashley's defense, and those corner threes, when she hits them… oh my God, I just realized… we have the female Bowen, don't we? Cathrine hit some shots, but I think we needed some Screens of Death from her tonight to get the serious shooters open, and either she wasn't laying them or Indiana was getting around them. The Fever were fabulous at getting around screens on the defensive end. I'm still trying to figure out why we have Iciss Tillis if she's not going to model on the inactive list. Big honkin' ditto for Emilie.

Pink is not Patty's color. It clashes with her flush. And Christelle? Capris were not meant for toothpick calves and bony ankles, especially not baggy capris. It was an ugly sight, even across the arena.

A young team plus an incompetent coach equals plenty of opportunities for last-minute mistakes to destroy the efforts of 39 or 44 previous minutes. Becky's foul on Tully's 3, Ashley with the inbound foul on Catchings, those fumbles in the last minute… a more settled team doesn't do one of those things, and either this motha is settled in regulation, with a Liberty win in OT, or a double OT. I think the youngsters have the potential to do great things, but they have to first be taught not to do stupid things.

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