Wednesday, March 26, 2008

June 16th, 2006: Houston at New York

Houston Comets 72, New York Liberty 58

The Game Notes are surprisingly impressed with the Houston Comets, and Shameka Christon and Erin Thorn may have switched bodies.

Patty, sweetheart, boobala, don't you *know* that pink totally clashes with that flush you have going on?

The Garden PA announcer gave Dawn the honor of being last announced for the Comets, and gave her a lovely little speech in honor of this being the last game she'll play on the Garden floor.

Congrats to Sheryl on 4K. That's awesome.


Dawn had an awesome look-away pass to Tari for a lay-up. Play of the night, methinks.

It was awesome seeing them on the offensive glass tonight, although there were long stretches during which Schuey was the one Lib surrounded by four red jerseys. Baaaaaaaad.

Canty is stealth. I looked up at halftime and was all, "wait, when did SHE get 12 points?" Then again, I managed to miss Tari's fouls, so what do I know?

Anastasia Kostaki is embarrassing my mother's people almost as much as Peter Angelos. *facepalm* And I'm sorry, we do not come in *natural* blonde.

Iciss should know better than to shoot a 3 in the face of the best American-born three-point shooting post in the league. That is just mind-bogglingly stoopid.

I still maintain the "Freaky Friday" theory regarding Shameka and Erin.

The Olivia guerilla marketers were at it at the Garden, handing out buttons at every opportunity... including during game action. Yes, they were actually inside, not at the door, but I don't think they were supposed to be handing stuff out. They're very pretty buttons, from what I saw of them (didn't get one, as they were only working the aisles and we sit in the center of a row). Still, their presence smacked of unethical marketing tactics... and I would be saying the SAME DAMN THING if they were marketing ANYTHING, mmm'kay?

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